The Middle East Acoustic Society website is now live!
This is the first time the Middle East Acoustic Society (MEAS) has had an online presence since its informal inception 7 years ago. This is the result of quite a few months of work and we are quite proud of our achievements so far. Why did we decide it was time for a website? Read on.
What is the purpose of the site?
- It acts as an official ‘badge’ for MEAS
- It should be a reference point for local authorities, individual members and companies alike
- It should promote communication / co-operation between members
- A local / regional information portal
- Provide industry job adverts
- A promotion tool for industry events and local community involvement
- A tool for promoting Continuous Professional Development
- A source for MEAS Code of ethics and membership requirements
- A document management system for meeting minutes, presentations etc
Note the website design is fully responsive. You will now be able to smoothly browse on your tablet or your smartphone, on top of a desktop browser.
Although the website is now live, there are many updates to the site coming soon. Please use the member forum if you have a suggestion for the site.