College of Sustainability Sciences and Humanities at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi
Thanks to Andrew Peplow, Associate Professor, for providing the venue and a delicious lunch!
Thanks also to CDM for providing an enlightening technical presentation on 'Problem Solving for Vibration Isolation & Sound Insulation'
Chamber of Commerce Application
Membership Designations
Regulation of Entertainment Venues
Dubai Green Building Regulations
Quarterly Technical Seminars
Chamber of Commerce Application
Sarah updated that there has been little progress with the application as her contact at Dubai Chamber of Commerce is no longer responding to her phone calls or emails. The next step is for Sarah to go the offices in person.
Membership Designations
Considerable discussion was held regarding membership designations and it was greed that there is a need to educate the market regarding the difference between Suppliers/Contractors and Consultants.
There was a consensus in the meeting that there is a clear line between the two with Consultants being responsible for defining the performance criteria and Suppliers/Contractors either supplying or installing the material (in some cases both).
Paul stated that he was keen to hear any differing view points from anyone not available to attend the meeting who can contact him or the other board members personally should they wish.
It was agreed that the Board would draft a description of the Supplier/Contractor designation for review and comment by all members prior to the next meeting.
Regulation of Entertainment Venues
An update will be requested from Matt Carter prior to the next meeting.
Dubai Green Building Regulations
A discussion was held around the fact that many of the standards referred to in the Regulations are now out of date. There was a consensus amongst those present that all Consultants will use the latest version of the referenced standards going forward.
Quarterly Technical Seminars
Interest was raised in having quarterly technical seminars for members on the latest standards and other pertinent acoustic issues. It was agreed that this would be a good idea and Eddie will take this forward.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at Dubai Acoustic Research Laboratory (DARL), with a tentative date set of 4th July.