Location: Gyproc Sain-Gobain Jebel Ali Office – Thank you to Jason Hird for organising and providing facility
In attendance:
Paul Schwarz
Nadia Schwarz
Bassel Anbari
Hani Maher
Lutz Albers
Michel H. Wecuesser
Dominic Parkinson
Andreas Lejholm
Dimitrios Doutsios
Thomas Bailess
Jason Cambridge
Jason Hird
Jon Lee
Jaspal Singh
Sarah Huskie
Kaupo Korven
Edward Adamzyck
Alanwar Dawood
1. MEAS Website
2. Conferences
3. DM update
4. Design Confidence Marketing/BB93
5. Any Other Business
6. Healthcare and Education Sector Presentation by Hicham Kabbage – Gyproc Sector
Developer for Healthcare & Education
7. MEAS Makes a Gyproc Wall!
Next Meeting tentative date: Sunday 15th of March, venue to be confirmed
Item 1: MEAS Website
- Website is currently only has heading hence needs to be finished and launched
PS is to liaise with KK to complete the website, or PS to take it on over the Christmas break and launch it early in the New Year.
Call for Content from all MEAS members;
o Jason Hird contributed following content ideas – Minute from MEAS meetings
o Bassel Anbari contributed following idea – List of Member’s & respective companies
Item 2: MEAS Conference
- Despite MEAS not being a properly recognised group PS floated the idea of an acoustic conference to be help mid to late 2015.
- This is to raise MEAS’s profile within the UAE within a more formal setting
Ideas noted from members at meeting;
o Mail shot to all clients
o Note that it takes a lot of effort and time to organise a conference, hence start small with a maximum of 100 people in attendance and a one day event
o Suggested venue from PS – Vox Cinemas
Nadia Schwarz nominated to email all MEAS members before the next MEAS meeting to ask for volunteers and ideas to make this happen
Item 3: DM update
- Edward Adamzyck/PMK issued a letter on behalf of MEAS to the DM to notify them of MEAS and how MEAS could assist DM with Green Building regulations etc. As EA was not able to make this meeting no update has been given.
Update to be given and discussed again at next MEAS meeting
Item 4: Design Confidence Marketing/BB93
- PS requested permission from those present to mention MEAS in his upcoming campaign to raise awareness via a Public Relations drive of Design Confidence’s work with clients to who have met BB93 within the UAE. All present agreed to PS mentioning MEAS in this campaign.
- In addition Jason and Michael mentioned relevant studies to assist this PR drive ECOPHON’s work in German Schools and TED speaker Julian Treasure
- It was also mentioned later on that the Ministry of Public Works do not know about BB93
Nadia to coordinate with Jason and Michael to obtain studies to assist PS
Item 5: Any Other Business
- Dubai Civil Defence has appointed several representatives from Fire & Life Safety Consultants to form a counsel to assist the CD in developing proper regulations and guidelines as the CD currently is just sending staff to the USA/UK to obtain degrees then to come back to the UAE to work for the CD.
PS pointed out that as there is a FLS council there may possible be an opportunity for an acoustic council for the CD.
Action: PS to follow up with CD/DM contact
- Dominic asked if anyone has submitted a report to the Dubai Green Building authorities, it was noted that no one had, only some clients ask for acoustic to be in line with Dubai Green Building regulations and proof given of this.
Action: None required
- Hani asked if MEAS would try to become a formal committee/group. It was noted that at the last meeting the group decided that currently there is no need as MEAS works fine the way it currently runs, however, this item should be touched upon at all future MEAS meetings to check upon the current status and not be become complacent.
Action: Paul/Chairpersons to make formalising MEAS a permanent agenda item for all future meetings
- Presentation exchange between MEAS and ASHRAE. MEAS to give presentation on building services acoustics.
Action: PS and Bassel to coordinate this and a tentative date to be set for either May or June 2015.
- 10 minute presentations, the MEAS members decided that it would be good to have 2 x 10 minutes presentations (i.e. 2 different members presenting) at each MEAS meeting on acoustic related topics. There also to be a roster of who is to present when and it to be publicised prior to the meeting to gain interest and possibly more visitors to the meeting.
o PS and Bassel to present at next meeting (tentatively on the 15 th of March 2015)
o Nadia to organise and maintain roster of presenters.
Item 6: Healthcare and Education Sector Presentation by Hicham Kabbage
- Mr Hicham Kabbage of Gyproc did a very insightful presentation on the Healthcare and Education sector growth in the GCC, the content of the presentation content was received enthusiastically and gratefully by all in attendance. PS has sent a thank you to Gyproc for Hicham’s presentation on behalf of MEAS.
Item 7: MEAS Makes a Gyproc Wall!
Big Thank You to Jason Hird for organising this fun event for MEAS members and also to Gary Condon Gyproc site system Demonstrator in teaching us all the practical ins and outs of making a gyproc internal cinema wall.
There were 2 teams, the Whites and Blues going head to head to make the best wall they could, with the Whites winning in the end for being the team that gradually improved as the day went on and a special award going to Jaspal Singh of the Blue team for being the most helpful.